WildFly Project News

Vlog: Introduction to WildFly Glow

Learn how to slim your WildFly installations by inspecting your application archives with WildFly Glow.

What's new in WildFly provisioning

This blog post provides information on recent evolutions that have occurred at the WildFly provisioning level. WildFly Glow tooling This new approach to WildFly provisioning has been covered in details in this blog post and in this video published on the WildFly Youtube Channel. We are expecting more content to be published on this topic; stay tuned! WildFly Bootable JAR support in the WildFly Maven Plugin From version 5.0.0.Beta2, the WildFly Maven Plugin allows you...

WildFly Glow, an evolution of WildFly provisioning

We are introducing an evolution of WildFly provisioning by means of the WildFly Glow project. What is WildFly provisioning? Even though WildFly provisioning has been available for some time now, a quick summary seems useful to put WildFly Glow in context. WildFly provisioning is: The ability to create a WildFly server installation on the fly. The ability to choose the set of features you want to see in the created server. The ability to extend...

WildFly Guides

We have recently published a first collection of guides on the WildFly homepage. You can find the guides in the top-level navigation under Guides. They are divided into different categories. Currently, we have guides for "Get Started", "Observability", "Security", "MicroProfile", and "Automation". What to expect The guides address one topic of a specific use case in more detail. Unlike the reference documentation, the guides describe step by step how a specific task can be approached...

WildFly 31 is released!

I’m pleased to announce that the new WildFly and WildFly Preview 31.0.0.Final releases are available for download at https://wildfly.org/downloads. New and Notable This quarter there’s a lot to talk about beyond new things in the core server itself, but I’ll start with what’s new in the server. Application Server Features MicroProfile updates — We’ve updated our MicroProfile subsystems to the versions in MicroProfile 6.1. (We don’t support MicroProfile Metrics, so we are not a compatible MicroProfile 6.1...

Deploying a WildFly 30.0.1.Final cluster using Ansible

In this brief demonstration, we’ll set up and run three instances of WildFly on the same machine (localhost). Together they will form a cluster. It’s a rather classic setup, where the appservers needs to synchronize the content of their application’s session to ensure fail over if one of the instances fails. This configuration guarantees that, if one instance fails while processing a request, another one can pick up the work without any data loss. Note...

Configuring The WildFly To Use The JBeret JDBC Job Repository

A introduction to configure the WildFly to use the JBeret JDBC job repository

Thanks for a great 2023!

We are almost at the end of 2023 and we wanted to take this opportunity to thank all our community members for their help on WildFly this year. 2023 was a busy year for WildFly, with: 3 Major versions — 28, 29, 30. And 31 Beta just came out yesterday. New extensions for MicroProfile Telemetry and MicroProfile LRA. Implementations of most of MicroProfile 6.0, with updates to 6.1 coming in WildFly 31. Java 21 support. More than...

Vlog: Securing WildFly Apps with Auth0 on OpenShift

Learn how to secure applications deployed to WildFly on OpenShift with the Auth0 OpenID provider.

Securing WildFly Apps with Auth0 on OpenShift

Learn how to secure applications deployed to WildFly on OpenShift with the Auth0 OpenID provider.